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What is the Mater Dei Homeschool Group (MDHSG)?


The MDHSG is a parish based support group of Catholic homeschooling families made up of parishioners and friends of Mater Dei Traditional Latin Mass Parish in Irving, Texas. We embrace the fullness of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in faithfulness to the Church’s Magisterium and Sacred Tradition. Through our sponsored activities, we provide regular opportunities for spiritual, social, and educational growth as we strive to support one another in the Catholic home education of our children.  We offer monthly mother's fellowship meetings on homeschooling topics, have organized field trips, celebrate feast days, and more!


Does the MDHSG host classes?


No, we do not.  There are a few, non-parish based organizations that meet at the church that do have classes.  But we are not affiliated with them and do not have their schedule of classes.  Please see the bulletin or contact the parish office for more information for current co-ops meeting at the church.


Who can I contact if I am or another family is interested in joining the group?


You can start the process for joining the group by clicking "Join" at the top of the main page.  You can email us at [email protected] if you have questions beyond the FAQ.


How much does it cost to join the MDHSG?


Current annual dues for the 2024-2025 school year are as follows:

  • Annual dues: $30/year ($20*), Pay here on the parish website and please put "MDHSG Registration" in the comments
  • If all your children have graduated: $20/year ($10*)

*For current members who have met the volunteer requirement.


Are there other things I need to do to join the group!


Yes! Part of our enrollment process includes signing the Code of Conduct and Statement of Faith documents. This are non-negotiables from our pastor to join the group. You will be prompted to sign these during the enrollment process and for subsequent years while a member.

You will also be asked to meet with a member of the board; for safety we do not have anonymous members.


What is included in the membership?


You will receive monthly updates with our current events, including mother's meetings, field trips, hikes, and liturgical feast days!  Part of the fee goes to mantaining our website, hosting our calendar and contacts.  The rest of the fee offsets general costs and supplies for events.  It does not cover everything, so we have fundraisers and sometimes non-free/member only events as well, to help cover costs.  We also have generous members who like to contribute donations, either monetarily or with supplies for our events.